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There are 19 words beginning with BARGE

BARGEbarge n. A large flat-bottomed towed or self-propelled boat used mainly for river and canal transport of heavy…
barge n. A richly decorated ceremonial state vessel propelled by rowers for river processions.
barge n. A large flat-bottomed coastal trading vessel having a large spritsail and jib-headed topsail, a fore…
BARGEDbarged v. Simple past tense and past participle of barge.
BARGE v. to push one's way rudely.
BARGEEbargee n. A crewman of a working barge.
BARGEE n. a bargeman.
BARGESbarges n. Plural of barge.
barges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of barge.
Barges prop.n. Plural of Barge.
BARGEESbargees n. Plural of bargee.
BARGEE n. a bargeman.
BARGESTbargest n. Alternative spelling of barghest.
BARGEST n. a doglike goblin whose appearance portends death, also BARGHEST, BARGUEST.
BARGEESEbargeese n. Plural of bargoose.
BARGOOSE n. a kind of wild goose.
BARGELLObargello n. (Historical) A police or military chief in medieval Italian comuni.
bargello n. (Historical) An Italian medieval police or military headquarters.
bargello n. (Sewing, embroidery) A type of needlepoint embroidery consisting of upright flat stitches laid in a…
BARGEMANbargeman n. A member of the crew of a barge.
bargeman n. A barge owner, maintainer, or captain of a barge.
bargeman n. (Nautical, slang) A large white maggot that frequently infested ship’s biscuits; most likely a larva…
BARGEMENbargemen n. Plural of bargeman.
BARGEMAN n. a man who manages a barge, or one of the crew of a barge.
BARGESTSbargests n. Plural of bargest.
BARGEST n. a doglike goblin whose appearance portends death, also BARGHEST, BARGUEST.
BARGELIKEbargelike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a barge.
BARGELIKE adj. like a barge.
BARGELLOSbargellos n. Plural of bargello.
BARGELLO n. (Italian) a type of needlework stitch that makes a zigzag pattern.
BARGEPOLEbargepole n. Alternative spelling of barge pole.
barge␣pole n. A type of quant pole used to propel a barge through the water.
BARGEPOLE n. a pole for propelling a barge.
BARGEBOARDbargeboard n. (Architecture) Alternative spelling of barge board.
barge␣board n. A board fastened to the projecting gables of a roof to protect and hide other timbers.
BARGEBOARD n. a board projecting from a roof gable.
BARGEPOLESbargepoles n. Plural of bargepole.
barge␣poles n. Plural of barge pole.
BARGEPOLE n. a pole for propelling a barge.
BARGEBOARDSbargeboards n. Plural of bargeboard.
barge␣boards n. Plural of barge board.
BARGEBOARD n. a board projecting from a roof gable.
BARGEMASTERbargemaster n. The person in charge of transport on a barge or barges.
barge␣master n. Alternative spelling of bargemaster.
BARGEMASTER n. one in charge of a barge.
BARGEMASTERSbargemasters n. Plural of bargemaster.
barge␣masters n. Plural of barge master.
BARGEMASTER n. one in charge of a barge.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 52 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 7 words
  • Scrabble in German: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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