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There are 14 eleven-letter words beginning with BLAST

BLASTEMATICblastematic adj. (Biology) Connected with, or proceeding from, the blastema; blastemal.
BLASTEMATIC adj. of or like a blastema.
BLASTOCHYLEblastochyle n. (Anatomy) The clear or shiny colorless fluid in the blastodermic vesicles.
BLASTOCHYLE n. the fluid in a blastocoel.
BLASTOCOELEblastocoele n. Alternative spelling of blastocoel.
BLASTOCOELE n. the cavity inside a blastula, also BLASTOCOEL.
BLASTOCOELSblastocoels n. Plural of blastocoel.
BLASTOCOEL n. the cavity inside a blastula, also BLASTOCOELE.
BLASTOCYSTSblastocysts n. Plural of blastocyst.
BLASTOCYST n. a mammalian blastula in which some differentiation of cells has occurred.
BLASTODERMSblastoderms n. Plural of blastoderm.
BLASTODERM n. the germinal membrane in an ovum, from which the embryo is developed.
BLASTODISCSblastodiscs n. Plural of blastodisc.
BLASTODISC n. the embryo-forming portion of an egg with discoid cleavage.
BLASTOGENICblastogenic adj. Of or pertaining to blastogenesis.
BLASTOGENIC adj. related to blastogenesis, reproduction by budding, also BLASTOGENETIC.
BLASTOMERESblastomeres n. Plural of blastomere.
BLASTOMERE n. one of the segments first formed by the division of the ovum.
BLASTOMERICblastomeric adj. Relating to blastomeres.
BLASTOMERIC adj. like a blastomere.
BLASTOPORALblastoporal adj. (Biology) Pertaining to a blastopore; blastoporic.
BLASTOPORAL adj. like a blastopor.
BLASTOPORESblastopores n. Plural of blastopore.
BLASTOPORE n. the opening of the archenteron in the gastrula that develops into the anus of some animals, also BLASTOPOR.
BLASTOPORICblastoporic adj. (Biology) Pertaining to a blastopore; blastoporal.
BLASTOPORIC adj. relating to a blastospore.
BLASTOSPOREblastospore n. (Mycology) A type of fungal spore produced asexually by budding.
BLASTOSPORE n. the orifice of a gastrula.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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