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There are 15 words beginning with BONA

BONAbona adj. (Polari) Good.
bona adv. (Polari) Well.
Bona prop.n. The former name of Annaba, Algeria.
BONACIbonaci n. (Dated) A large grouper (Mycteroperca bonaci) of Florida and the Caribbean. Grey, with an oblong, laterally…
bonaci n. Any of several other groupers.
BONACI n. an edible fish of the grouper family.
BONACISbonacis n. Plural of bonaci.
BONACI n. an edible fish of the grouper family.
BONAMIABonamia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Convolvulaceae – lady’s nightcap.
Bonamia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Haplosporiidae – certain protists.
BONAMIA n. a parasite that attacks oysters.
BONANZAbonanza n. (Mining) A rich mine or vein of silver or gold.
bonanza n. The point at which two mother lodes intersect.
bonanza n. (By extension, figurative) Anything which is a great source of wealth or yields a large income or return.
BONASUSbonasus n. A bonnacon.
BONASUS n. (Latin) a bison, also BONASSUS.
BONAMANIBONAMANO n. (Italian) a tip.
BONAMANOBONAMANO n. (Italian) a tip.
BONAMIASBONAMIA n. a parasite that attacks oysters.
BONANZASbonanzas n. Plural of bonanza.
BONANZA n. (Spanish) a lucky strike in e.g. mining.
BONASSUSbonassus n. A bonnacon.
bonassus n. The aurochs, or European bison.
BONASSUS n. (Latin) a bison, also BONASUS.
BONASUSESBONASUS n. (Latin) a bison, also BONASSUS.
BONAMIASESBONAMIASIS n. a fatal disease of oysters.
BONAMIASISBONAMIASIS n. a fatal disease of oysters.
BONASSUSESbonassuses n. Plural of bonassus.
BONASSUS n. (Latin) a bison, also BONASUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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