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There are 11 words beginning with BODI

BODICEbodice n. A sleeveless shirt for women, sometimes provided with detachable sleeves.
bodice n. Blouse; any shirt for women, particularly the upper part of a two-piece dress or European folk costume.
bodice n. The upper portion of a women’s one-piece dress, equivalent to a shirt.
BODIEDbodied adj. (In combination) Having a specified form of body.
bodied adj. Having a bodily form; corporeal or incarnate.
bodied v. Simple past tense and past participle of body.
BODIESbodies n. Plural of body.
bodies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of body.
BODY v. to give form to.
BODILYbodily adj. Of, relating to, or concerning the body.
bodily adj. Having a body or material form; physical; corporeal.
bodily adj. Real; actual; put into execution.
BODINGboding adj. Foreboding, ominous, portending.
boding n. Gerund of bode: a prediction of disaster; an omen, a portent.
boding v. Present participle of bode.
BODICESbodices n. Plural of bodice.
BODICE n. a woman's stiffened inner garment.
BODIKINbodikin n. A diminutive of body, forming part of the exclamatory phrase "ods bodikin", a corruption of God’s body.
BODIKIN n. a diminutive of body, in Od's bodikins, God's little body.
BODINGSbodings n. Plural of boding.
BODING n. an omen.
BODIKINSbodikins n. Plural of bodikin; alternative form of bodkins.
BODIKIN n. a diminutive of body, in Od's bodikins, God's little body.
BODILESSbodiless adj. Lacking a body; incorporeal.
BODILESS adj. lacking material form.
BODINGLYbodingly adv. In a boding manner.
BODING adv. ominous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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