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There are 12 words beginning with BOCC

BOCCAbocca n. The round hole in the furnace of a glassworks through which the fused glass is taken out.
BOCCA n. (Italian) a mouth.
BOCCEbocce n. (Sports, uncountable) A game, similar to bowls or pétanque, played on a long, narrow, dirt-covered court.
bocce n. (Sports, countable) One of the eight balls that the player throws in a game of bocce.
BOCCE n. (Italian) an Italian bowling game, also BOCCI, BOCCIA, BOCCIE.
BOCCIbocci n. Alternative form of bocce.
BOCCI n. (Italian) an Italian bowling game, also BOCCE, BOCCIA, BOCCIE.
BOCCASboccas n. Plural of bocca.
BOCCA n. (Italian) a mouth.
BOCCESbocces n. Plural of bocce.
BOCCE n. (Italian) an Italian bowling game, also BOCCI, BOCCIA, BOCCIE.
BOCCIAboccia n. A sport, similar to bocce, designed to be played by people with impaired motor skills.
Boccia prop.n. A surname from Italian.
BOCCIA n. (Italian) an Italian bowling game, also BOCCE, BOCCI, BOCCIE.
BOCCIEboccie n. Alternative spelling of bocce.
BOCCIE n. (Italian) an Italian bowling game, also BOCCE, BOCCI, BOCCIA.
BOCCISBOCCI n. (Italian) an Italian bowling game, also BOCCE, BOCCIA, BOCCIE.
BOCCIASBoccias prop.n. Plural of Boccia.
BOCCIA n. (Italian) an Italian bowling game, also BOCCE, BOCCI, BOCCIE.
BOCCIESBOCCIE n. (Italian) an Italian bowling game, also BOCCE, BOCCI, BOCCIA.
BOCCONCINIbocconcini n. Small pieces of mozzarella cheese.
bocconcini n. Small chunks of any suitable foodstuff.
BOCCONCINI n. (Italian) small pieces of mozzarella cheese, also BOCONCINI.
BOCCONCINISSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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