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There are 7 words beginning with BIOB

BIOBANKbiobank n. (Biology) Any of several types of repository of biological material (e.g. seeds) or information (e.g. DNA).
biobank v. (Biology, transitive) To store (biological material) in a biobank.
BIOBANK n. any large store of human biological samples for research into the genetic and environmental causes of diseases.
BIOBANKSbiobanks n. Plural of biobank.
BIOBANK n. any large store of human biological samples for research into the genetic and environmental causes of diseases.
BIOBLASTbioblast n. Alternative form of bioplast.
BIOBLAST n. a tiny granule of protoplasm.
BIOBLASTSbioblasts n. Plural of bioblast.
BIOBLAST n. a tiny granule of protoplasm.
BIOBANKINGbiobanking n. (Biology) The storage of biological specimens in a biobank.
BIOBANKING n. the practice of creating large-scale repositories of human biological material (e.g. blood, urine, tissue samples, DNA, etc.) designed to further medical research.
BIOBANKINGSBIOBANKING n. the practice of creating large-scale repositories of human biological material (e.g. blood, urine, tissue samples, DNA, etc.) designed to further medical research.
BIOBEHAVIORALbiobehavioral adj. Pertaining to the biological causes of behavior.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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