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There are 18 words beginning with BERE

BEREbere n. (Chiefly Scotland) Barley, especially four-rowed barley or six-rowed barley.
BERE n. barley, esp. the six-rowed barley.
BERESBERE n. barley, esp. the six-rowed barley.
BERETberet n. A type of round, brimless cap with a soft top and a headband to secure it to the head; usually culturally…
BERET n. a flat round woollen cap, also BERRET.
BEREFTbereft v. Simple past tense and past participle of bereave.
bereft adj. (Of a person) Pained by the loss of someone.
bereft adj. Deprived of, lacking, stripped of, robbed of.
BERETSberets n. Plural of beret.
BERET n. a flat round woollen cap, also BERRET.
BEREAVEbereave v. (Transitive) To deprive by or as if by violence; to rob; to strip; to benim.
bereave v. (Transitive, obsolete) To take away by destroying, impairing, or spoiling; take away by violence.
bereave v. (Transitive) To deprive of power; prevent.
BERETTAberetta n. Alternative form of biretta.
Beretta n. (Firearms) A firearm (especially a handgun) made by the Beretta company.
BERETTA n. (Spanish) a square cap worn by Roman Catholic ecclesiastics, also BERRETTA, BIRETTA, BIRRETTA.
BEREAVEDbereaved adj. Having suffered the death of a loved one.
bereaved v. Simple past tense and past participle of bereave.
BEREAVE v. to deprive esp. by death.
BEREAVENbereaven adj. (Obsolete) bereft.
BEREAVE v. to deprive esp. by death.
BEREAVERbereaver n. Someone who bereaves.
BEREAVER n. one who bereaves.
BEREAVESbereaves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bereave.
BEREAVE v. to deprive esp. by death.
BERETTASberettas n. Plural of beretta.
Berettas n. Plural of Beretta.
BERETTA n. (Spanish) a square cap worn by Roman Catholic ecclesiastics, also BERRETTA, BIRETTA, BIRRETTA.
BEREAVERSbereavers n. Plural of bereaver.
BEREAVER n. one who bereaves.
BEREAVINGbereaving v. Present participle of bereave.
BEREAVE v. to deprive esp. by death.
BEREFTNESSbereftness n. The quality of being bereft.
BEREAVEMENTbereavement n. The state of being bereaved; deprivation; especially the loss of a relative by death.
BEREAVEMENT n. the state or fact of being bereaved.
BEREAVEMENTSbereavements n. Plural of bereavement.
BEREAVEMENT n. the state or fact of being bereaved.
BEREFTNESSESSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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