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There are 9 words beginning with BAGA

BAGASSbagass n. Alternative form of bagasse.
BAGASS n. (French) dry refuse in sugar-making, also BAGASSE.
BAGARREBAGARRE n. (French) a scuffle or brawl.
BAGASSEbagasse n. The residue from processing sugar cane after the juice is extracted.
BAGASSE n. (French) dry refuse in sugar-making, also BAGASS.
BAGARRESBAGARRE n. (French) a scuffle or brawl.
BAGASSESbagasses n. Plural of bagass.
bagasses n. Plural of bagasse.
BAGASSE n. (French) dry refuse in sugar-making, also BAGASS.
BAGATELLEbagatelle n. A trifle; an insubstantial thing.
bagatelle n. (Literature, music) A short piece of literature or of instrumental music, typically light or playful in character.
bagatelle n. A game similar to billiards played on an oblong table with pockets or arches at one end only.
BAGASSOSESBAGASSOSIS n. an industrial disease caused by inhaling bagasse.
BAGASSOSISbagassosis n. (Medicine) A pneumoconiosis caused by the inhalation of dust from sugarcane processing.
BAGASSOSIS n. an industrial disease caused by inhaling bagasse.
BAGATELLESbagatelles n. Plural of bagatelle.
BAGATELLE n. (French) a trifle, a thing of no value or importance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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