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There are 17 words beginning with BABE

BABEbabe n. (Literary or poetic) A baby or infant; a very young human or animal.
babe n. (Slang) An attractive person, especially a young woman.
babe n. (Endearing) Darling (term of endearment).
BABELbabel n. Alternative form of Babel.
Babel prop.n. (Biblical) The city and tower in the land of Shinar where the confusion of languages took place, according…
Babel n. A confused mixture of sounds and voices, especially in different languages.
BABESbabes n. Plural of babe.
babes n. (Treated as a singular noun; plural babes) Alternative form of babe used as a term of endearment to a loved one.
BABE n. a baby; an attractive young woman.
BABELSbabels n. Plural of babel.
Babels n. Plural of Babel.
BABEL n. a confused sound of voices.
BABESIAbabesia n. (Microbiology, epidemiology) Any of the hematozoa of the genus Babesia that invades the erythrocytes…
Babesia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Babesiidae – protozoan parasites, carried by ticks, that infect…
BABESIA n. a parasite causing cattle fever.
BABELDOMbabeldom n. Alternative form of Babeldom.
Babeldom n. A confused mix of voices, languages, or words and ideas.
Babeldom n. A state of noisy confusion and chaotic activity.
BABELISHBabelish adj. Chaotically confused, like Babel.
Babelish prop.n. Chaotically confused language; babble.
BABELISH adj. in a confused state.
BABELISMBabelism n. A chaotic situation where people cannot communicate because of different languages.
BABELISM n. a state of confused sound.
BABESIAEbabesiae n. Plural of babesia.
BABESIA n. a parasite causing cattle fever.
BABESIASbabesias n. Plural of babesia.
BABESIA n. a parasite causing cattle fever.
BABELDOMSbabeldoms n. Plural of babeldom.
Babeldoms n. Plural of Babeldom.
BABELDOM n. a confused sound of voices.
BABELISMSBABELISM n. a state of confused sound.
BABELESQUEBabelesque adj. Reminiscent of the Tower of Babel; marked by the inability to communicate with and understand each other.
BABELESQUE adj. full of confused sound and voices.
BABESIASESbabesiases n. Plural of babesiasis.
BABESIASIS n. redwater, a cattle infection caused by the parasite babesia, also BABESIOSIS.
BABESIASISbabesiasis n. (Pathology) Alternative form of babesiosis.
BABESIASIS n. redwater, a cattle infection caused by the parasite babesia, also BABESIOSIS.
BABESIOSESbabesioses n. Plural of babesiosis.
BABESIOSIS n. redwater, a cattle infection caused by the parasite babesia, also BABESIASIS.
BABESIOSISbabesiosis n. (Pathology) Any of several malaria-like parasitic diseases in humans and other animals caused by Babesia…
BABESIOSIS n. redwater, a cattle infection caused by the parasite babesia, also BABESIASIS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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