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There are 12 eight-letter words beginning with BURG

BURGAGESburgages n. Plural of burgage.
BURGAGE n. a kind of feudal tenure, tenure in socage for a yearly rent.
BURGANETburganet n. Alternative form of burgonet.
BURGANET n. (French) a visored helmet that can be fitted or attached to the gorget or neckpiece, also BURGONET.
BURGEONSburgeons n. Plural of burgeon.
BURGEON v. to grow rapidly.
BURGHERSburghers n. Plural of burgher.
Burghers n. Plural of Burgher.
BURGHER n. a freeman or citizen of a borough.
BURGHULSBURGHUL n. (Turkish) a form of cooked, broken wheat, also BULGAR, BULGHUR, BULGUR.
BURGLARSburglars n. Plural of burglar.
BURGLAR v. to enter a building to steal.
BURGLARYburglary n. The crime of unlawfully breaking into a vehicle, house, store, or other enclosure with the intent to steal.
BURGLARY n. a felonious theft.
BURGLINGburgling v. Present participle of burgle.
BURGLE v. to trespass to steal.
BURGONETburgonet n. (Historical) A light helmet worn by infantrymen, bearing a crest and hinged cheekpieces, but typically…
BURGONET n. (French) a visored helmet that can be fitted or attached to the gorget or neckpiece, also BURGANET.
BURGOUTSBURGOUT n. a kind of oatmeal pudding, or thick gruel, used by seamen, also BURGOO.
BURGRAVEburgrave n. (Historical) The military governor of a town or castle in the Middle Ages, especially in German-speaking…
burgrave n. One who holds a hereditary title, with an associated domain, descended from an ancestor who commanded…
BURGRAVE n. (historical) the commander of a German town or castle.
BURGUNDYburgundy n. Alternative letter-case form of Burgundy (red wine).
burgundy n. (Color) A dark red colour tinged with purple, like that of Burgundy (red) wine.
burgundy adj. Of a deep purple red color like that of Burgundy wine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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