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There are 9 eight-letter words beginning with BRUS

BRUSHERSbrushers n. Plural of brusher.
BRUSHER n. one who brushes.
BRUSHIERbrushier adj. Comparative form of brushy: more brushy.
BRUSHY adj. resembling a brush; shaggy.
BRUSHINGbrushing v. Present participle of brush.
brushing n. An instance of brushing.
brushing n. (Uncountable, Internet) A fraudulent technique in which an online seller sends out fake orders (such…
BRUSHOFFbrushoff n. Alternative spelling of brush-off.
brush-off n. An abrupt rebuff, a snub or curt rejection, a disdainful dismissal.
brush␣off v. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see brush, off. To remove something with a brush.
BRUSHUPSbrushups n. Plural of brushup.
brush-ups n. Plural of brush-up.
BRUSHUP n. a quick review.
BRUSKESTbruskest adj. Superlative form of brusk: most brusk.
BRUSK adj. abrupt in manner, also BRUSQUE.
BRUSQUERbrusquer adj. Comparative form of brusque: more brusque.
BRUSQUE adj. abrupt in manner, also BRUSK.
BRUSSELSBrussels prop.n. The capital city of Belgium.
Brussels prop.n. (Metonymically) The administrative apparatus of the European Union.
Brussels n. A Brussels carpet.
BRUSTINGbrusting v. Present participle of brust.
BRUST v. (Spenser) to burst.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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