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There are 13 eight-letter words beginning with BROC

BROCADEDbrocaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of brocade.
brocaded adj. Embellished with brocade.
BROCADE v. (French) to weave a silky fabric with a raised design.
BROCADESbrocades n. Plural of brocade.
brocades v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of brocade.
BROCADE v. (French) to weave a silky fabric with a raised design.
BROCAGESbrocages n. Plural of brocage.
BROCAGE n. the business of a broker.
BROCARDSbrocards n. Plural of brocard.
BROCARD n. (French) an elementary legal principle or maxim.
BROCATELbrocatel n. A kind of coarse brocade, or figured fabric, used chiefly for tapestry, linings for carriages, etc.
brocatel n. A kind of marble, clouded and veined with white, grey, red, and especially yellow; Siena marble.
BROCATEL n. (French) a stiff, originally silk-and-linen, heavy-figured fabric like brocade, also BROCATELLE.
BROCCOLIbroccoli n. A plant, Brassica oleracea var. italica, of the cabbage family, Brassicaceae; especially, the tree-shaped…
broccoli n. (US, slang) Marijuana.
broccoli n. Plural of broccolo.
BROCHANSBROCHAN n. (Gaelic) gruel, porridge.
BROCHINGbroching v. Present participle of broche.
BROCH v. to broach, to pierce.
BROCHUREbrochure n. A booklet of printed informational matter, like a pamphlet, often for promotional purposes.
BROCHURE n. a pamphlet, information or publicity booklet.
BROCKAGEbrockage n. (Coin collecting) A type of error coin in which one side of the coin has the normal design and the other…
BROCKAGE n. (Scots) fragments of crockery etc.
BROCKETSbrockets n. Plural of brocket.
BROCKET n. a male red deer two years old, with its first dagger-shaped horns.
BROCKRAMbrockram n. A basal breccia of cemented limestone and sandstone fragments dating from the Permian period, found…
BROCKRAM n. (dialect) fragmented rock, breccia.
BROCOLISbrocolis n. Plural of brocoli.
BROCOLI n. a plant of the cabbage species, resembling the cauliflower, also BROCCOLI.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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