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There are 18 eight-letter words beginning with BELL

BELLBINDbellbind n. Rutland beauty.
bell-bind n. Alternative spelling of bellbind.
BELLBIND n. hedge or field bindweed.
BELLBIRDbellbird n. Any of various birds with a far-carrying bell-like call, including the crested bellbird, Oreoica gutturalis…
bellbird n. (Australia) The bell miner, Manorina melanophrys, a bird that feeds on bell lerp (a variety of psyllid).
BELLBIRD n. any of several tropical American birds having a bell-like call, aka campanero.
BELLBOYSbellboys n. Plural of bellboy.
bell␣boys n. Plural of bell boy.
BELLBOY n. a pageboy in a hotel or club, also BELLHOP.
BELLBUOYbell␣buoy n. A buoy on which is mounted a bell with four clappers, hung inside an iron cage, which is rung by the…
BELLBUOY n. a buoy having a bell.
BELLCASTBELLCAST adj. designating a style of roof architecture.
BELLCOTEbellcote n. Alternative form of bell cot.
BELLCOTE n. an ornamental structure to hold one or two large bells.
BELLEEKSbelleeks n. Plural of belleek.
Belleeks n. Plural of Belleek.
BELLEEK n. a thin translucent porcelain.
BELLETERBELLETER n. a bellfounder.
BELLHOPSbellhops n. Plural of bellhop.
BELLHOP n. a pageboy in a hotel or club, also BELLBOY.
BELLINGSbellings n. Plural of belling.
Bellings prop.n. Plural of Belling.
BELLING n. a mock serenade for newlyweds.
BELLINISbellinis n. Plural of bellini, an alternative capitalization of Bellini.
Bellinis n. Plural of Bellini.
BELLINI n. a cocktail consisting of prosecco and peach puree.
BELLOWEDbellowed v. Simple past tense and past participle of bellow.
BELLOW v. to roar like a bull.
BELLOWERbellower n. One who bellows.
bellower n. (Obsolete, colloquial) A town crier.
BELLOWER n. one who bellows.
BELLPULLbellpull n. Alternative spelling of bell-pull.
bell-pull n. A rope that rings a bell.
bell-pull n. A handle attached to a rope that rings a bell.
BELLWORTbellwort n. Any of several perennial plants, of the genus Uvularia, that have yellow, bell-shaped flowers.
bellwort n. Any of various plants in the Campanulaceae family.
BELLWORT n. a genus of plants with yellowish bell-shaped flowers.
BELLYFULbellyful n. Enough to fill one’s belly; a large portion of food eaten.
bellyful n. (Informal) An undesirably large quantity of something.
BELLYFUL n. more than enough.
BELLYINGbellying v. Present participle of belly.
bellying adj. Bulging or billowing.
bellying n. A bulging, swelling or billowing shape; the act or state of bulging, swelling or billowing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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