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There are 13 eight-letter words beginning with BARO

BAROCCOSBAROCCO n. (Italian) a bold decorative style, also BAROQUE, BAROCK.
BAROGRAMbarogram n. A tracing, usually made by the barograph, showing graphically the variations of atmospheric pressure for a given time.
BAROGRAM n. a recording made by a barograph, an instrument for recording air pressure.
BAROMETZbarometz n. (Mythology) A purported zoophyte, half-animal and half-plant, said to grow in the form of a sheep.
barometz n. The golden chicken fern or woolly fern (Cibotium barometz), the rhizomes of which are covered in furry…
BAROMETZ n. (Russian) a fabulous Russian creature, half plant and half sheep.
BARONAGEbaronage n. Barons or nobles collectively.
baronage n. An annotated list of barons or peers.
baronage n. (Obsolete) barony, the dignity or rank of a baron.
BARONESSbaroness n. The wife of a baron.
baroness n. A woman holding a baronial title in her own right; a female ruler of a barony.
BARONESS n. the wife of a baron.
BARONETSbaronets n. Plural of baronet.
BARONET n. the lowest British hereditary title.
BARONIALbaronial adj. Belonging or relating to a baron or barons.
baronial adj. Suitable for a baron.
BARONIAL adj. relating to a baron or barony.
BARONIESbaronies n. Plural of barony.
BARONY n. the territory of a baron.
BARONNESbaronnes n. Plural of baronne.
BARONNE n. (French) a baroness.
BAROQUESbaroques n. Plural of baroque.
BAROQUE n. (French) a bold decorative style, also BAROCCO, BAROCK.
BAROSAURBAROSAUR n. a large dinosaur.
BAROSTATbarostat n. A device used to maintain a constant (atmospheric) pressure.
BAROSTAT n. an automatic device for regulating pressure, e.g. in an aircraft.
BAROUCHEbarouche n. A four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage with collapsible half-hood, two double seats facing each other…
BAROUCHE n. a four-wheeled hooded carriage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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