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There are 15 seven-letter words beginning with BUSH

BUSHELSbushels n. Plural of bushel.
BUSHEL v. to mend or alter e.g. men's clothes.
BUSHERSbushers n. Plural of busher.
Bushers prop.n. Plural of Busher.
BUSHER n. a minor league baseball player.
BUSHFLYbush␣fly n. (Australia) A blow fly of the family Calliphoridae.
BUSHFLY n. a fly which breeds in faeces and dung.
BUSHIDObushido n. An ethical code of the samurai that was prevalent in feudal Japan that advocated unquestioning loyalty…
BUSHIDO n. (Japanese) a Japanese code of chivalry.
BUSHIERbushier adj. Comparative form of bushy: more bushy.
BUSHY adj. having many bushes.
BUSHIESbushies n. Plural of bushie.
Bushies n. Plural of Bushie.
BUSHIE n. one who lives in the bush, also BUSHY.
BUSHILYbushily adv. In a bushy manner.
BUSHY adv. having many bushes.
BUSHINGbushing n. (Mechanical engineering) A type of bearing, a cylindrical lining designed to reduce friction and wear…
bushing n. (Mechanical engineering) An elastic bearing used as a type of vibration isolator, commonly made of rubber…
bushing n. (Mechanical engineering) A threaded bushing: a fastener element that is inserted into an object, usually…
BUSHLOTBUSHLOT n. a woodlot.
BUSHMANbushman n. (Australia) A man who lives in or has extensive experience of the Australian bush or outback.
Bushman n. A person who lives in the bush, especially a member of a community or ethnic group who lives in the bush.
Bushman n. (Now sometimes offensive) A member of one of the foraging ethnic groups native to southwestern Africa…
BUSHMENbushmen n. Plural of bushman.
Bushmen n. Plural of Bushman.
BUSHMAN n. (Australian) a settler or traveller in the bush.
BUSHPIGbushpig n. Alternative form of bush pig.
bush␣pig n. An African pig of the genus Potamochoerus; Potamochoerus porcus or Potamochoerus larvatus.
bush␣pig n. (Australia, slang, derogatory) A fat and very ugly woman.
BUSHTITbushtit n. Any of the long-tailed tits of the family Aegithalidae.
BUSHTIT n. a small long-tailed tit of West America, which builds a large hanging nest.
BUSHWAHbushwah n. Nonsense.
BUSHWAH n. nonsense, also BUSHWA.
BUSHWASBUSHWA n. nonsense, also BUSHWAH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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