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There are 10 seven-letter words beginning with BROM

BROMALSbromals n. Plural of bromal.
BROMAL n. an oily, colorless fluid obtained by the action of bromine on alcohol.
BROMATEbromate n. (Inorganic chemistry) the anion BrO3-1, derived from bromic acid; any salt containing this anion.
bromate v. To treat with bromic acid or a bromate.
BROMATE v. to combine with bromine.
BROMIDEbromide n. (Inorganic chemistry) A binary compound of bromine and some other element or radical.
bromide n. A dose of bromide taken as a sedative, or to reduce sexual appetite.
bromide n. (By extension) A dull person with conventional thoughts.
BROMIDSbromids n. Plural of bromid.
BROMID n. a bromine compound, also BROMIDE.
BROMINEbromine n. (Uncountable) A nonmetallic chemical element (symbol Br) with an atomic number of 35; one of the halogens…
bromine n. (Countable) A bromine atom.
BROMINE n. a volatile liquid element, also BROMIN.
BROMINSBROMIN n. a volatile liquid element, also BROMINE.
BROMISEBROMISE v. to treat with bromine, also BROMIZE.
BROMISMbromism n. (Medicine) poisoning by bromine or bromides.
BROMISM n. poisoning by an overdose of bromine, also BROMINISM.
BROMIZEbromize v. (Photography, transitive) To prepare or treat with bromine.
BROMIZE v. to treat with bromine, also BROMISE.
BROMMERBrommer prop.n. A surname.
BROMMER n. (South African) a bluebottle, also BRUMMER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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