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There are 16 nine-letter words beginning with BOR

BORACHIOSborachios n. Plural of borachio.
BORACHIO n. (Spanish) a Spanish wineskin; a drunken fellow.
BORACITESboracites n. Plural of boracite.
BORACITE n. a compound of magnesium usually occurring as greyish-white cubic crystals.
BORDELLOSbordellos n. Plural of bordello.
BORDELLO n. (Italian) a brothel, also BORDEL.
BORDEREAUbordereau n. A detailed statement, especially one containing a detailed listing of documents or accounts.
bordereau n. A form of reinsurance that details the history of the risk.
BORDEREAU n. (French) a detailed bill or invoice.
BORDERERSborderers n. Plural of borderer.
BORDERER n. a person who lives or was born on the border of a country.
BORDERINGbordering v. Present participle of border.
bordering adj. Having a common boundary or border.
bordering n. A pattern or ornament forming a border.
BORECOLESborecoles n. Plural of borecole.
BORECOLE n. (Dutch) a variety of cabbage.
BOREHOLESboreholes n. Plural of borehole.
BOREHOLE n. a hole made in the earth's crust.
BORESCOPEborescope n. An optical instrument used for seeing inside tight spaces, consisting of a rigid or flexible tube with…
BORESCOPE n. an optical device, e.g. a prism, used to inspect an inaccessible space e.g. an engine cylinder.
BORGHETTOborghetto n. An Italian shanty town.
BORGHETTO n. (Italian) a big village.
BORRELIASborrelias n. Plural of borrelia.
BORRELIA n. a type of bacterium.
BORROWERSborrowers n. Plural of borrower.
BORROWER n. one who borrows.
BORROWINGborrowing v. Present participle of borrow.
borrowing v. (Slang, crime) Slang term for shoplifting.
borrowing n. An instance of something being borrowed.
BORSHCHESborshches n. Plural of borshch.
BORSHCH n. (Russian) cold beetroot soup, also BORSCH, BORSCHT, BORSHT, BORTSCH.
BORSTALLSborstalls n. Plural of borstall.
BORSTALL n. an establishment for the detention of young adult delinquents, also BORSTAL.
BORTSCHESbortsches n. Plural of bortsch.
BORTSCH n. (Russian) cold beetroot soup, also BORSCH, BORSCHT, BORSHCH, BORSHT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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