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There are 9 nine-letter words beginning with BAI

BAIDARKASbaidarkas n. Plural of baidarka.
BAIDARKA n. (Russian) an Alaskan Inuit kayak, also BAIDAR, BIDARKA, BIDARKEE.
BAIGNOIREbaignoire n. (Dated) A box of the lowest tier in a theatre.
BAIGNOIRE n. (French) a theatre box on a level with the stalls.
BAILBONDSbailbonds n. Plural of bailbond.
bail␣bonds n. Plural of bail bond.
BAILBOND n. a bond given by a prisoner.
BAILIWICKbailiwick n. The district within which a bailie or bailiff has jurisdiction.
bailiwick n. A person’s concern or sphere of operations, their area of skill or authority.
BAILIWICK n. the region in which a sheriff (bailie) has legal powers.
BAILLIAGEBAILLIAGE n. (French) the jurisdiction of a bailli.
BAILMENTSbailments n. Plural of bailment.
BAILMENT n. a delivery of goods in trust.
BAIRNLIERBAIRNLY adj. like a bairn, a child.
BAIRNLIKEbairnlike adj. (Scotland and Northern England, rare) Like a bairn; childlike.
BAIRNLIKE adj. (Scots) childlike.
BAISEMAINBAISEMAIN n. (French) a kiss on the hand.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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