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There are 17 seven-letter words beginning with BUC

BUCARDObucardo n. The Pyrenean ibex.
BUCARDO n. (Spanish) a recently extinct species of Spanish mountain goat.
BUCCINAbuccina n. (Historical, music) A curved brass instrument used by the Ancient Roman army.
BUCCINA n. (Latin) a Roman curved trumpet.
BUCKEENbuckeen n. (Ireland, historical) a poor young man of the lower Anglo-Irish gentry who aspires to the habits and…
BUCKEEN n. (Anglo-Irish) a poor man who acts as if wealthy.
BUCKERSbuckers n. Plural of bucker.
Buckers prop.n. Plural of Bucker.
BUCKER n. a hammer for bucking ore, i.e. breaking it into small pieces.
BUCKETSbuckets n. Plural of bucket.
buckets v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bucket.
BUCKET v. to push forward hurriedly.
BUCKEYEbuckeye n. Any of several species of trees of the genus Aesculus.
buckeye n. Any of several species of the related Mexican buckeye (genus Ungnadia).
buckeye n. The seed or fruit of these plants.
BUCKIESbuckies n. Plural of bucky.
Buckies n. Plural of Bucky.
BUCKIE n. (Scots) a large spiral marine shell, esp. the common whelk.
BUCKINGbucking v. Present participle of buck.
bucking n. The act or process of soaking or boiling cloth in an alkaline liquid in the operation of bleaching.
bucking n. The liquid used in this process.
BUCKISHbuckish adj. (Obsolete) Like a male goat; foul-smelling or lascivious.
buckish adj. (Now rare) Like a dandy; foppish.
BUCKISH adj. dandified; foppish.
BUCKLEDbuckled v. Simple past tense and past participle of buckle.
BUCKLE v. to bend or warp.
BUCKLERbuckler n. One who buckles something.
buckler n. A kind of shield, of various shapes and sizes, held in the hand or worn on the arm (usually the left)…
buckler n. (Obsolete) A shield resembling the Roman scutum. In modern usage, a smaller variety of shield is usually…
BUCKLESbuckles n. Plural of buckle.
buckles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of buckle.
Buckles prop.n. Plural of Buckle.
BUCKOESbuckoes n. Plural of bucko.
BUCKO n. a bully.
BUCKRAMbuckram n. A coarse cloth of cotton, linen or hemp, stiffened with size or glue, used in bookbinding to cover and…
buckram v. (Transitive) To stiffen with or as if with buckram.
buckram n. A plant, Allium ursinum, also called ramson, wild garlic, or bear garlic.
BUCKSAWbucksaw n. A saw, in a metal frame, used to cut lengths of wood.
BUCKSAW n. a large saw in an H-frame.
BUCKSOMbucksom adj. Obsolete form of buxom.
BUCKSOM adj. (Milton) buxom.
BUCOLICbucolic adj. Rustic, pastoral, country-styled.
bucolic adj. Relating to the pleasant aspects of rustic country life.
bucolic adj. Pertaining to herdsmen or peasants.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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