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List of 7-letter words beginning with

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There are 11 seven-letter words beginning with BIC

BICARBSbicarbs n. Plural of bicarb.
BICARB n. (short for) bicarbonate.
BICCIESbiccies n. Plural of biccie.
biccies n. Plural of biccy.
BICCY n. (slang) biscuit, also BICKIE, BIKKIE.
BICHIRSbichirs n. Plural of bichir.
BICHIR n. any of various primitive African freshwater fishes of the genus Polypterus, also BIRCHIR.
BICHORDbichord n. (Music) A chord of two notes played at the same time.
bichord adj. (Music, of a musical instrument) Having two strings.
BICHORD adj. of a musical instrument, having two strings, esp. two strings for each note.
BICKERSbickers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bicker.
BICKER v. to squabble.
BICKIESbickies n. Plural of bickie.
bickies n. Plural of bicky.
BICKIE n. (colloquial) a biscuit, also BICCY, BIKKIE.
BICOLORbicolor adj. (American spelling) Alternative form of bicolour.
bicolor n. (American spelling) Alternative form of bicolour.
BICOLOR n. something having two colors, also BICOLOUR.
BICORNEbicorne n. Alternative form of bicorn (“two-cornered hat”).
BICORNE n. a hat with two corners, e.g. as worn by Napoleon, also BICORN.
BICORNSbicorns n. Plural of bicorn.
BICORN n. a hat with two corners e.g. as worn by Napoleon, also BICORNE.
BICRONSbicrons n. Plural of bicron.
BICRON n. one billionth of a meter.
BICYCLEbicycle n. A vehicle that has two wheels, one behind the other, a steering handle, and a saddle seat or seats and…
bicycle n. A traveling block used on a cable in skidding logs.
bicycle n. The best possible hand in lowball.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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