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There are 11 six-letter words beginning with BIT

BITCHYbitchy adj. (Colloquial) Spiteful or malevolent; catty; malicious; unpleasant.
bitchy adj. (Colloquial) Irritable.
BITCHY adj. catty.
BITERSbiters n. Plural of biter.
BITER n. that which bites.
BITINGbiting v. Present participle of bite.
biting n. An instance of something being bitten.
biting n. (Kenya) A bite-sized snack.
BITMAPbitmap n. (Computing) A series of bits that represents a rasterized graphic image, each pixel being represented…
bit-map n. Alternative spelling of bitmap.
bit␣map n. Dated form of bitmap.
BITSERbitser n. A mongrel dog.
bitser n. (Slang) A bike assembled from bits and pieces.
BITSER n. (Australian slang) a mongrel.
BITTEDbitted v. Simple past tense and past participle of bit.
bitted v. Simple past tense and past participle of bitt.
bitted adj. Having a bit in ones mouth, as a horse.
BITTENbitten v. Past participle of bite.
BITE v. to seize with the teeth.
BITTERbitter adj. Having an acrid taste (usually from a basic substance).
bitter adj. Harsh, piercing or stinging.
bitter adj. Hateful or hostile.
BITTIEbittie n. (Slang, often in the plural) bitch, girl, woman, especially one that is promiscuous.
bittie adj. Alternative form of bitty (“very small”).
BITTIE n. (Scots) a small piece, a short time.
BITTORbittor n. (Obsolete) A bittern (bird).
BITTOR n. (Spenser) the bittern, also BITTERN, BITTOUR, BITTUR.
BITTURbittur n. Obsolete form of bittern.
BITTUR n. (Spenser) the bittern, also BITTERN, BITTOR, BITTOUR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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