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There are 18 six-letter words beginning with BIN

BINARYbinary adj. Being in one of two mutually exclusive states.
binary adj. (Logic) Concerning logic whose subject matter concerns binary states.
binary adj. (Arithmetic, computing) Concerning numbers and calculations using the binary number system.
BINATEbinate adj. (Botany) Double; growing in pairs or couples.
binate v. (Catholicism, intransitive) To perform bination; to hold Mass twice on the same day.
BINATE adj. growing in pairs.
BINDERbinder n. Someone who binds.
binder n. A cover or holder for unbound papers, pages, etc.
binder n. Something that is used to bind things together, often referring to the mechanism that accomplishes this for a book.
BINDHIbindhi n. Alternative form of bindi.
BINDHI n. (Hindi) a dot worn on the forehead by women in India, also BINDI.
BINDISbindis n. Plural of bindi.
BINDI n. (Hindi) a dot worn on the forehead by women in India, also BINDHI.
BINDLEbindle n. (Now Scotland) Any given length of cord, rope, twine, etc, used to bind something.
bindle n. (US and Canada slang) A bundle carried by a hobo (usually containing his possessions), often on a stick…
bindle n. (US and Canada slang) Any bundle or package; specifically one containing narcotics such as cocaine…
BINERSbiners n. Plural of biner.
BINER n. (short for) karabiner, a clip used by climbers.
BINGEDbinged v. Simple past tense and past participle of bing.
binged v. Simple past tense and past participle of binge.
Binged v. Simple past tense and past participle of Bing.
BINGERbinger n. Someone who binges.
Binger prop.n. A surname.
BINGER n. someone who binges.
BINGESbinges n. Plural of binge.
binges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of binge.
BINGE v. to eat or drink to excess.
BINGLEbingle n. (Australia, informal) A minor collision, especially between motor vehicles.
bingle n. A hairstyle for women that is somewhere between a bob and a shingle.
bingle v. To arrange the hair in this style.
BINGOSbingos n. Plural of bingo.
BINGO n. a lottery-type game.
BINIOUbiniou n. (Music) A set of traditional Breton bagpipes.
BINIOU n. a small Breton bagpipe.
BINITSbinits n. Plural of binit.
BINIT n. a unit of computer information.
BINMANbinman n. (Less common) Alternative spelling of bin man.
bin␣man n. (Britain) A man with the job of collecting refuse from people’s homes and transporting it to a refuse…
BINMAN n. a refuse disposal man.
BINMENbinmen n. Plural of binman.
bin␣men n. Plural of bin man.
BINMAN n. a refuse disposal man.
BINNEDbinned v. Simple past tense and past participle of bin.
BIN v. to store in a large receptacle.
BINOCSbinocs n. (Informal) binoculars.
BINOCS n. (short for) binoculars.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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