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There are 14 six-letter words beginning with BAB

BABACObabaco n. A fruit tree, related to the papaya and native to mountainous areas of Ecuador, Vasconcellea × heilbornii.
babaco n. The fruit of this tree.
BABACO n. (Spanish) a subtropical five-sided fruit related to the papaya.
BABACUBABACU n. (Tupi) a Brazilian palm tree, also BABASSU.
BABBLEbabble v. (Intransitive) To utter words indistinctly or unintelligibly; to utter inarticulate sounds.
babble v. (Intransitive) To talk incoherently; to utter meaningless words.
babble v. (Intransitive) To talk too much; to chatter; to prattle.
BABBLYbabbly adj. Resembling babbles.
BABBLY adj. given to babbling, chattery.
BABELSbabels n. Plural of babel.
Babels n. Plural of Babel.
BABEL n. a confused sound of voices.
BABIEDbabied v. Simple past tense and past participle of baby.
babied adj. Spoiled or coddled.
BABY v. to treat like a baby.
BABIERbabier adj. Comparative form of baby: more baby.
BABY adj. like a baby.
BABIESbabies n. Plural of baby.
babies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of baby.
BABY v. to treat like a baby.
BABKASbabkas n. Plural of babka.
BABKA n. (Polish) a kind of coffee-cake, containing almonds, raisins, rum, orange rind, also BABA.
BABLAHbablah n. The rind of the fruit of several East Indian species of acacia, especially Vachellia nilotica, formerly…
BABLAH n. (Hindi) a species of acacia from which gum arabic is obtained, also BABOOL, BABUL.
BABOOLbabool n. Alternative form of babul.
BABOOL n. (Hindi) a species of acacia from which gum arabic is obtained, also BABLAH, BABUL.
BABOONbaboon n. An Old World monkey of the genus Papio, having dog-like muzzles and large canine teeth, cheek pouches…
baboon n. (Colloquial, derogatory) A foolish or boorish person.
BABOON n. a large ape.
BABOOSbaboos n. Plural of baboo.
BABOO n. (Hindi) a native clerk who writes English; also, a Hindu title answering to Mr. or Esquire, also BABU.
BABULSbabuls n. Plural of babul.
BABUL n. (Hindi) a species of acacia from which gum arabic is obtained, also BABLAH, BABOOL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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