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There are 7 five-letter words beginning with BAB

BABASbabas n. Plural of baba.
BABA n. (Polish) a kind of coffee-cake, containing almonds, raisins, rum, orange rind, also BABKA.
BABELbabel n. Alternative form of Babel.
Babel prop.n. (Biblical) The city and tower in the land of Shinar where the confusion of languages took place, according…
Babel n. A confused mixture of sounds and voices, especially in different languages.
BABESbabes n. Plural of babe.
babes n. (Treated as a singular noun; plural babes) Alternative form of babe used as a term of endearment to a loved one.
BABE n. a baby; an attractive young woman.
BABKAbabka n. A Central and Eastern European coffee cake flavored with orange rind, rum, almonds, and raisins.
BABKA n. (Polish) a kind of coffee-cake, containing almonds, raisins, rum, orange rind, also BABA.
BABOObaboo n. Dated form of babu.
BABOO n. (Hindi) a native clerk who writes English; also, a Hindu title answering to Mr. or Esquire, also BABU.
BABULbabul n. A tree native to South Asia, Vachellia nilotica subsp. indica, formerly Acacia nilotica subsp. indica.
BABUL n. (Hindi) a species of acacia from which gum arabic is obtained, also BABLAH, BABOOL.
BABUSbabus n. Plural of babu.
Babus prop.n. Plural of Babu.
BABU n. (Hindi) a native clerk who writes English; also, a Hindu title answering to Mr. or Esquire, also BABOO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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