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There are 7 four-letter words beginning with BUN

BUNABuna prop.n. A Torricelli language of East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea.
Buna prop.n. Synonym of Mbum (“a language of Cameroon”).
BUNA n. a kind of artificial rubber made from butadiene.
BUNDbund n. A league or confederacy; especially the confederation of German states.
bund n. A group of foreign sympathesizers of Nazi Germany, most notoriously before and during World War II.
bund n. A secondary enclosure, typically consisting of a wall or berm, which surrounds a tank or fluid-handling…
BUNGbung n. A stopper, alternative to a cork, often made of rubber, used to prevent fluid passing through the neck…
bung n. The cecum or anus, especially of a slaughter animal.
bung n. (Slang) A bribe.
BUNKbunk n. One of a series of berths or beds placed in tiers.
bunk n. (Nautical) A built-in bed on board ship, often erected in tiers one above the other.
bunk n. (Military) A cot.
BUNNbunn n. Archaic form of bun (“sweetened bread roll”).
Bunn prop.n. A surname.
Bunn prop.n. A town in Franklin County, North Carolina, United States.
BUNSbuns n. Plural of bun.
buns n. (Euphemistic, childish) The buttocks.
Buns prop.n. Plural of Bun.
BUNTbunt n. (Nautical) The middle part, cavity, or belly of a sail; the part of a furled sail which is at the center of the yard.
bunt n. A push or shove; a butt.
bunt n. (Baseball, softball) A ball that has been intentionally hit softly so as to be difficult to field, sometimes…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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