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List of 10-letter words beginning with

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There are 11 ten-letter words beginning with BIP

BIPARENTALbiparental adj. Having two parents.
BIPARENTAL adj. relating to or derived from two parents.
BIPARIETALbiparietal adj. (Anatomy) Between the two parietal bones.
BIPARIETAL adj. relating to or connected to both parietal bones.
BIPARTISANbipartisan adj. (Politics) Relating to, or supported by two groups, especially by two political parties.
bi-partisan adj. Alternative spelling of bipartisan.
BIPARTISAN adj. of, relating to, or involving members of two parties.
BIPEDALISMbipedalism n. The habit of standing and walking on two feet; the state of being bipedal.
BIPEDALISM n. the state of being bipedal, having two legs.
BIPEDALITYbipedality n. The condition of being bipedal; bipedalism.
BIPEDALITY n. the state of being bipedal, having two legs.
BIPETALOUSbipetalous adj. (Botany) Having two petals.
BIPETALOUS adj. having two petals.
BIPINNARIAbipinnaria n. (Zoology) The larva of certain starfishes as developed in the free-swimming stage.
BIPINNARIA n. the larva of certain starfishes as developed in the free-swimming stage.
BIPOLARISEbipolarise v. Alternative form of bipolarize.
BIPOLARISE v. to make bipolar, also BIPOLARIZE.
BIPOLARITYbipolarity n. The state of being bipolar.
BIPOLARITY n. the state of being bipolar.
BIPOLARIZEbipolarize v. To make bipolar.
BIPOLARIZE v. to make bipolar, also BIPOLARISE.
BIPYRAMIDSbipyramids n. Plural of bipyramid.
BIPYRAMID n. a crystal formed of two pyramids base to base.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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