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There are 15 words beginning with ASTRONOM

ASTRONOMYastronomy n. The study of the physical universe beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, including the process of mapping locations…
astronomy n. (Obsolete) Astrology.
ASTRONOMY n. the study of the celestial bodies and the heavens in all scientific aspects.
ASTRONOMERastronomer n. One who studies astronomy, the stars or the physical universe; a scientist whose area of research is…
ASTRONOMER n. a person who is skilled in astronomy or who makes observations of celestial phenomena.
ASTRONOMICastronomic adj. Pertaining or relating to astronomy.
astronomic adj. (Figurative) of very large or immense proportions; colossal.
ASTRONOMIC adj. related to astronomy, also ASTRONOMICAL.
ASTRONOMERSastronomers n. Plural of astronomer.
ASTRONOMER n. a person who is skilled in astronomy or who makes observations of celestial phenomena.
ASTRONOMIESastronomies n. Plural of astronomy.
ASTRONOMY n. the study of the celestial bodies and the heavens in all scientific aspects.
ASTRONOMISEastronomise v. Alternative form of astronomize.
ASTRONOMISE v. to study astronomy, also ASTRONOMIZE.
ASTRONOMIZEastronomize v. (Archaic, intransitive) To study or talk astronomy.
ASTRONOMIZE v. to study astronomy, also ASTRONOMISE.
ASTRONOMICALastronomical adj. (Not comparable) Of or relating to astronomy.
astronomical adj. (Comparable) Very large; of vast measure.
ASTRONOMICAL adj. related to astronomy, also ASTRONOMIC.
ASTRONOMISEDastronomised v. Simple past tense and past participle of astronomise.
ASTRONOMISE v. to study astronomy, also ASTRONOMIZE.
ASTRONOMISESastronomises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of astronomise.
ASTRONOMISE v. to study astronomy, also ASTRONOMIZE.
ASTRONOMIZEDastronomized v. Simple past tense and past participle of astronomize.
ASTRONOMIZE v. to study astronomy, also ASTRONOMISE.
ASTRONOMIZESastronomizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of astronomize.
ASTRONOMIZE v. to study astronomy, also ASTRONOMISE.
ASTRONOMISINGastronomising v. Present participle of astronomise.
ASTRONOMISE v. to study astronomy, also ASTRONOMIZE.
ASTRONOMIZINGastronomizing v. Present participle of astronomize.
ASTRONOMIZE v. to study astronomy, also ASTRONOMISE.
ASTRONOMICALLYastronomically adv. (Not comparable) Of or relating to astronomy.
astronomically adv. (Comparable, degree) In the extreme, very (typically very large).
ASTRONOMICAL adv. related to astronomy, also ASTRONOMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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