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There are 17 words beginning with ARTIFIC

ARTIFICEartifice n. A crafty but underhanded deception.
artifice n. A trick played out as an ingenious, but artful, ruse.
artifice n. A strategic maneuver that uses some clever means to avoid detection or capture.
ARTIFICERartificer n. Someone who is skilled in their trade; an artisan.
artificer n. An inventor.
artificer n. A member of the military who specializes in manufacturing and repairing weapon systems.
ARTIFICERSartificers n. Plural of artificer.
ARTIFICER n. a craftsman.
ARTIFICESartifices n. Plural of artifice.
ARTIFICE n. a clever stratagem.
ARTIFICIALartificial adj. Man-made; made by humans; of artifice.
artificial adj. Insincere; fake, forced, or feigned.
artificial adj. Not natural or normal: imposed arbitrarily or without regard to the specifics or normal circumstances…
ARTIFICIALISEartificialise v. Alternative form of artificialize.
ARTIFICIALISE v. to make artificial, also ARTIFICIALIZE.
ARTIFICIALISEDartificialised v. Simple past tense and past participle of artificialise.
ARTIFICIALISE v. to make artificial, also ARTIFICIALIZE.
ARTIFICIALISINGartificialising v. Present participle of artificialise.
ARTIFICIALISE v. to make artificial, also ARTIFICIALIZE.
ARTIFICIALITIESartificialities n. Plural of artificiality.
ARTIFICIALITY n. the quality of being artificial.
ARTIFICIALITYartificiality n. (Uncountable) The quality of being artificial or produced unnaturally.
artificiality n. (Countable) Something artificial.
ARTIFICIALITY n. the quality of being artificial.
ARTIFICIALIZEartificialize v. (Transitive) To render artificial.
ARTIFICIALIZE v. to make artificial, also ARTIFICIALISE.
ARTIFICIALIZEDartificialized v. Simple past tense and past participle of artificialize.
ARTIFICIALIZE v. to make artificial, also ARTIFICIALISE.
ARTIFICIALIZESartificializes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of artificialize.
ARTIFICIALIZE v. to make artificial, also ARTIFICIALISE.
ARTIFICIALIZINGartificializing v. Present participle of artificialize.
ARTIFICIALIZE v. to make artificial, also ARTIFICIALISE.
ARTIFICIALLYartificially adv. In an artificial manner.
artificially adv. By or because of human effort.
ARTIFICIAL adv. humanly contrived often on a natural model.
ARTIFICIALNESSartificialness n. The state or quality of being artificial.
ARTIFICIALNESS n. the state of being artificial.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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