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There are 20 words beginning with ASPERS

ASPERSaspers n. Plural of asper.
Aspers prop.n. Plural of Asper.
ASPER n. (Greek) a Turkish money of account.
ASPERSEasperse v. To sprinkle or scatter (liquid or dust).
asperse v. To falsely or maliciously charge another; to slander.
ASPERSE v. to slander, disparage.
ASPERSEDaspersed v. Simple past tense and past participle of asperse.
aspersed adj. (Heraldry) Having an indefinite number of small charges scattered over the surface.
ASPERSE v. to slander, disparage.
ASPERSERasperser n. One who asperses.
ASPERSER n. one who asperses, also ASPERSOR.
ASPERSESasperses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of asperse.
ASPERSE v. to slander, disparage.
ASPERSORaspersor n. Alternative form of asperser.
ASPERSOR n. one who asperses, also ASPERSER.
ASPERSERSaspersers n. Plural of asperser.
ASPERSER n. one who asperses, also ASPERSOR.
ASPERSINGaspersing v. Present participle of asperse.
ASPERSE v. to slander, disparage.
ASPERSIONaspersion n. An attack on somebody’s reputation or good name, often in the phrase to cast aspersions upon….
aspersion n. (Obsolete) A sprinkling, especially of holy water.
aspersion n. (In the plural) slander, calumny.
ASPERSIVEaspersive adj. Tending to asperse; defamatory; slanderous.
ASPERSIVE adj. tending to asperse, defamatory.
ASPERSOIRaspersoir n. Aspergillum.
ASPERSOIR n. (French) a brushlike implement used to sprinkle holy water.
ASPERSORSaspersors n. Plural of aspersor.
ASPERSOR n. one who asperses, also ASPERSER.
ASPERSORYaspersory n. Synonym of aspersorium.
aspersory adj. Aspersive.
ASPERSORY n. a vessel for holding holy water.
ASPERSIONSaspersions n. Plural of aspersion.
ASPERSION n. calumny, slander.
ASPERSOIRSaspersoirs n. Plural of aspersoir.
ASPERSOIR n. (French) a brushlike implement used to sprinkle holy water.
ASPERSORIAaspersoria n. Plural of aspersorium.
ASPERSORIUM n. a basin for holy water.
ASPERSIVELYaspersively adv. In an aspersive manner.
ASPERSIVE adv. tending to asperse, defamatory.
ASPERSORIESaspersories n. Plural of aspersory.
ASPERSORY n. a vessel for holding holy water.
ASPERSORIUMaspersorium n. A basin that holds holy water with which worshippers sprinkle themselves.
aspersorium n. An aspergillum.
ASPERSORIUM n. a basin for holy water.
ASPERSORIUMSaspersoriums n. Plural of aspersorium.
ASPERSORIUM n. a basin for holy water.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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