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There are 12 words beginning with ANCEST

ANCESTORancestor n. One from whom a person is descended, whether on the father’s or mother’s side, at any distance of time;…
ancestor n. An earlier type; a progenitor.
ancestor n. (Law) One from whom an estate has descended;—the correlative of heir.
ANCESTOREDancestored v. Simple past tense and past participle of ancestor.
ANCESTOR v. to be an ancestor to.
ANCESTORIALancestorial adj. Ancestral.
ANCESTORIAL adj. relating to ancestors.
ANCESTORINGancestoring v. Present participle of ancestor.
ANCESTOR v. to be an ancestor to.
ANCESTORSancestors n. Plural of ancestor.
ancestors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ancestor.
ANCESTOR v. to be an ancestor to.
ANCESTRALancestral adj. Of, pertaining to, derived from, or possessed by, an ancestor or ancestors.
ANCESTRAL adj. relating to ancestors.
ANCESTRAL n. a type of relation in logic.
ANCESTRALLYancestrally adv. Pertaining to ancestry.
ANCESTRAL adv. relating to ancestors.
ANCESTRALSANCESTRAL n. a type of relation in logic.
ANCESTRESSancestress n. A female ancestor.
ANCESTRESS n. a female ancestor.
ANCESTRESSESancestresses n. Plural of ancestress.
ANCESTRESS n. a female ancestor.
ANCESTRIESancestries n. Plural of ancestry.
ANCESTRY n. a line of ancestors.
ANCESTRYancestry n. Condition as to ancestors; ancestral lineage; hence, birth or honorable descent.
ancestry n. A series of ancestors or progenitors; lineage, or those who compose the line of natural descent.
ANCESTRY n. a line of ancestors.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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