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There are 11 words beginning with ANAERO

ANAEROBEanaerobe n. An anaerobic organism; one that does not require oxygen to sustain its metabolic processes.
ANAEROBE n. an organism that lives in absence of free oxygen.
ANAEROBESanaerobes n. Plural of anaerobe.
ANAEROBE n. an organism that lives in absence of free oxygen.
ANAEROBIAanaerobia n. Anaerobes.
ANAEROBIUM n. an organism not requiring oxygen for its life processes, also ANAEROBE, ANAEROBIONT.
ANAEROBICanaerobic adj. Without oxygen; especially of an environment or organism.
anaerobic adj. Of exercise, involving glycolysis (the conversion of glucose to adenosine triphosphate) rather than…
anaerobic adj. Of or relating to an anaerobe.
ANAEROBICALLYanaerobically adv. In an anaerobic manner; in a way that does not require oxygen. Generally used of metabolic processes.
ANAEROBIC adv. living in the absence of free oxygen, also ANAEROBIOTIC.
ANAEROBIONTANAEROBIONT n. an organism not requiring oxygen for its life processes, also ANAEROBE, ANAEROBIUM.
ANAEROBIONTSANAEROBIONT n. an organism not requiring oxygen for its life processes, also ANAEROBE, ANAEROBIUM.
ANAEROBIOSESanaerobioses n. Plural of anaerobiosis.
ANAEROBIOSIS n. life in the absence of air or free oxygen.
ANAEROBIOSISanaerobiosis n. (Biology) Any form of life that is sustained in the absence of air (or oxygen).
ANAEROBIOSIS n. life in the absence of air or free oxygen.
ANAEROBIOTICanaerobiotic adj. (Anatomy) Resembling or relating to anaerobes.
ANAEROBIOTIC adj. living in the absence of free oxygen, also ANAEROBIC.
ANAEROBIUMANAEROBIUM n. an organism not requiring oxygen for its life processes, also ANAEROBE, ANAEROBIONT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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