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There are 11 words beginning with AUSTE

AUSTENITEaustenite n. A solid solution or carbon or ferric carbide in iron that exists in steel at high temperatures.
Austenite n. (Metallurgy) Alternative letter-case form of austenite.
Austenite n. A fan or admirer of Jane Austen; someone who studies the works of Jane Austen.
AUSTENITESaustenites n. Plural of austenite.
Austenites n. Plural of Austenite.
AUSTENITE n. a solid solution of carbon in a nonmagnetic high-temperature allotropic form of iron.
AUSTENITICaustenitic adj. Relating to, or containing austenite.
AUSTENITIC adj. of stainless steels, composed chiefly of austenite.
AUSTEREaustere adj. Grim or severe in manner or appearance.
austere adj. Lacking decoration; trivial; not extravagant or gaudy.
AUSTERE adj. severe.
AUSTERELYausterely adv. In an austere manner.
AUSTERE adv. severe.
AUSTERENESSaustereness n. The state of being austere.
AUSTERENESS n. the state of being austere.
AUSTERENESSESAUSTERENESS n. the state of being austere.
AUSTERERausterer adj. Comparative form of austere: more austere.
AUSTERE adj. severe.
AUSTERESTausterest adj. Superlative form of austere: most austere.
AUSTERE adj. severe.
AUSTERITIESausterities n. Plural of austerity.
AUSTERITY n. the quality of being austere.
AUSTERITYausterity n. Severity of manners or life; extreme rigor or strictness; harsh discipline.
austerity n. Freedom from adornment; plainness; severe simplicity.
austerity n. (Economics) A policy of deficit-cutting, which by definition requires lower spending, higher taxes, or both.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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