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There are 16 words beginning with ATROP

ATROPHIAatrophia n. Archaic form of atrophy.
ATROPHIA n. a wasting away of body parts.
ATROPHIASatrophias n. Plural of atrophia.
ATROPHIA n. a wasting away of body parts.
ATROPHICatrophic adj. (Medicine) Of, pertaining to, or arising from atrophy.
ATROPHIC adj. relating to atrophia.
ATROPHIEDatrophied v. Simple past tense and past participle of atrophy.
atrophied adj. Characterized by atrophy.
ATROPHY v. to waste away.
ATROPHIESatrophies n. Plural of atrophy.
ATROPHY v. to waste away.
ATROPHYatrophy n. (Pathology) A reduction in the functionality of an organ caused by disease, injury or lack of use.
atrophy v. (Intransitive) To wither or waste away.
atrophy v. (Transitive) To cause to waste away or become abortive; to starve or weaken.
ATROPHYINGatrophying v. Present participle of atrophy.
ATROPHY v. to waste away.
ATROPIAatropia n. Dated form of atropine.
ATROPIA n. a medicine derived from the deadly nightshade, also ATROPIN, ATROPINE.
ATROPIASATROPIA n. a medicine derived from the deadly nightshade, also ATROPIN, ATROPINE.
ATROPINatropin n. Alternative spelling of atropine.
ATROPIN n. a medicine derived from the deadly nightshade, also ATROPIA, ATROPINE.
ATROPINEatropine n. (Toxicology, pharmacology) An alkaloid extracted from the plant deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna)…
ATROPINE n. a medicine derived from the deadly nightshade, also ATROPIN, ATROPIA.
ATROPINESatropines n. Plural of atropine.
ATROPINE n. a medicine derived from the deadly nightshade, also ATROPIN, ATROPIA.
ATROPINSATROPIN n. a medicine derived from the deadly nightshade, also ATROPIA, ATROPINE.
ATROPISMatropism n. (Pathology) atropine poisoning.
ATROPISM n. atropine poisoning.
ATROPISMSATROPISM n. atropine poisoning.
ATROPOUSatropous adj. (Botany) Not inverted; orthotropous.
ATROPOUS adj. having a straight ovule.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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