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There are 18 words beginning with ASSUR

ASSUREassure v. (Transitive) To make sure and secure; ensure.
assure v. (Transitive, followed by that or of) To give (someone) confidence in the trustworthiness of (something).
assure v. (Obsolete) To guarantee, promise (to do something).
ASSUREDassured v. Simple past tense and past participle of assure.
assured adj. Guaranteed; secure.
assured adj. Self-confident; self-assured; sure.
ASSURERassurer n. An insurer; an underwriter.
assurer n. One who takes out insurance.
assurer n. A person who or thing which assures.
ASSURESassures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of assure.
ASSURE v. to insure; to assert as true.
ASSURORassuror n. An assurer; an underwriter; an insurer.
ASSUROR n. one who assures, takes out assurance, also ASSURER.
ASSUREDSassureds n. Plural of assured.
ASSURED n. an insured person.
ASSURERSassurers n. Plural of assurer.
ASSURER n. one who assures, takes out assurance, also ASSUROR.
ASSURINGassuring v. Present participle of assure.
ASSURE v. to insure; to assert as true.
ASSURORSassurors n. Plural of assuror.
ASSUROR n. one who assures, takes out assurance, also ASSURER.
ASSURABLEASSURABLE adj. capable of being assured.
ASSURANCEassurance n. The act of assuring; a declaration tending to inspire full confidence; something designed to give confidence.
assurance n. The state of being assured; total confidence or trust; a lack of doubt; certainty.
assurance n. Firmness of mind; undoubting steadiness; intrepidity; courage; confidence; self-reliance.
ASSUREDLYassuredly adv. In an assured manner; certainly.
ASSURGENTassurgent n. (Heraldry) A man or beast rising out of the sea.
assurgent adj. Rising or tending to rise.
assurgent adj. (Botany) Curving upward.
ASSURANCESassurances n. Plural of assurance.
ASSURANCE n. confidence, a feeling of certainty, also SURANCE.
ASSURGENCYassurgency n. A tendency to rise.
ASSURGENCY n. upward curving growth.
ASSUREDNESSassuredness n. The state or quality of being assured.
ASSUREDNESS n. the state of being assured.
ASSURGENCIESASSURGENCY n. upward curving growth.
ASSUREDNESSESASSUREDNESS n. the state of being assured.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 27 words
  • Scrabble in French: 58 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 51 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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