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There are 7 words beginning with ANORT

ANORTHICanorthic adj. (Crystallography) Having three unequal axes that intersect obliquely.
ANORTHIC adj. of crystals, triclinic, referable to three unequal oblique axes.
ANORTHITEanorthite n. (Mineralogy) A variety of plagioclase feldspar, the calcium endmember of that series.
ANORTHITE n. a plagioclase feldspar, calcium aluminium silicate.
ANORTHITESanorthites n. Plural of anorthite.
ANORTHITE n. a plagioclase feldspar, calcium aluminium silicate.
ANORTHITICanorthitic adj. (Geology) Composed of or resembling anorthite.
ANORTHITIC adj. of or like an anorthite.
ANORTHOSITEanorthosite n. (Petrology) A phaneritic, intrusive igneous rock characterized by a predominance of plagioclase feldspar.
ANORTHOSITE n. an igneous rock that consists of 90 or more percent of plagioclase feldspar, typically labradorite.
ANORTHOSITESanorthosites n. Plural of anorthosite.
ANORTHOSITE n. an igneous rock that consists of 90 or more percent of plagioclase feldspar, typically labradorite.
ANORTHOSITICanorthositic adj. (Geology, mineralogy) Composed of anorthosite.
ANORTHOSITIC adj. of or like anorthosite.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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