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There are 7 words beginning with ALTAR

ALTARaltar n. A table or similar flat-topped structure used for religious rites.
altar n. (Informal) A raised area around an altar in a church; the sanctuary.
altar n. (Figurative) Any (real or notional) place where something is worshipped or sacrificed to.
ALTARAGEaltarage n. The offerings made upon the altar or to a church.
altarage n. The profit which accrues to the priest, by reason of the altar, from the small tithes.
ALTARAGE n. offerings made upon the altar.
ALTARAGESaltarages n. Plural of altarage.
ALTARAGE n. offerings made upon the altar.
ALTARPIECEaltarpiece n. A work of art suspended above and behind an altar in a church.
ALTARPIECE n. a work of art that decorates the space above and behind an altar.
ALTARPIECESaltarpieces n. Plural of altarpiece.
ALTARPIECE n. a work of art that decorates the space above and behind an altar.
ALTARSaltars n. Plural of altar.
ALTAR n. a raised structure used in worship.
ALTARWISEaltarwise adj. Placed in the manner of an altar, against the eastern wall of the chancel with the longer side parallel to that wall.
ALTARWISE adv. in the proper position of an altar, that is, at the east of a church with its ends towards the north and south.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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