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There are 9 words beginning with AGRIC

AGRICULTUREagriculture n. The art or science of cultivating the ground, including the harvesting of crops, and the rearing and…
AGRICULTURE n. the science or practice of operations associated with farming.
AGRICHEMICALagrichemical n. Alternative form of agrochemical.
agrichemical adj. Alternative form of agrochemical.
AGRICHEMICAL n. a chemical intended for agricultural use, also AGROCHEMICAL.
AGRICULTURALagricultural adj. Of or pertaining to agriculture.
agricultural adj. (Cricket) As if played with a scythe.
agricultural n. A product or commodity from agriculture.
AGRICULTURESagricultures n. Plural of agriculture.
AGRICULTURE n. the science or practice of operations associated with farming.
AGRICHEMICALSagrichemicals n. Plural of agrichemical.
AGRICHEMICAL n. a chemical intended for agricultural use, also AGROCHEMICAL.
AGRICULTURISTagriculturist n. One who practices agriculture, a farmer, a gardener.
agriculturist n. An expert in agriculture who advises farmers.
agriculturist adj. Of or pertaining to agriculture or agriculturists.
AGRICULTURALLYagriculturally adv. In a manner pertaining to agriculture.
AGRICULTURAL adv. of, relating to, used in, or concerned with agriculture.
AGRICULTURISTSagriculturists n. Plural of agriculturist.
AGRICULTURIST n. someone skilled in agriculture, a farmer, also AGRICULTURALIST.
AGRICULTURALISTagriculturalist n. A farmer; one involved with agrarian business.
agriculturalist n. An expert in agriculture who advises farmers.
AGRICULTURALIST n. someone skilled in agriculture, a farmer, also AGRICULTURIST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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