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There are 12 words beginning with ACRID

ACRIDacrid adj. Sharp and harsh, or bitter and not to the taste.
acrid adj. Causing heat and irritation.
acrid adj. (Figurative) Caustic; bitter; bitterly irritating.
ACRIDERacrider adj. Comparative form of acrid: more acrid.
ACRID adj. sharp to the taste or smell.
ACRIDESTacridest adj. Superlative form of acrid: most acrid.
ACRID adj. sharp to the taste or smell.
ACRIDINacridin n. Dated form of acridine.
ACRIDIN n. a chemical compound found in coal-tar, also ACRIDINE.
ACRIDINEacridine n. (Uncountable, organic chemistry) A tricyclic aromatic heterocycle, dibenzopyridine, obtained from coal…
acridine n. (Countable, organic chemistry) Any of many derivatives of this compound.
ACRIDINE n. a chemical compound found in coal-tar, also ACRIDIN.
ACRIDINESacridines n. Plural of acridine.
ACRIDINE n. a chemical compound found in coal-tar, also ACRIDIN.
ACRIDINSacridins n. Plural of acridin.
ACRIDIN n. a chemical compound found in coal-tar, also ACRIDINE.
ACRIDITIESacridities n. Plural of acridity.
ACRIDITY n. the state of being acrid.
ACRIDITYacridity n. Bitterness or acerbity.
acridity n. An acrid taste or smell.
acridity n. (Figurative) Bitterness in speech or behaviour; causticness.
ACRIDLYacridly adv. In a harsh or corrosive manner.
ACRID adv. sharp to the taste or smell.
ACRIDNESSacridness n. Bitterness or acerbity.
acridness n. An acrid taste or smell.
ACRIDNESS n. the quality of being acrid.
ACRIDNESSESACRIDNESS n. the quality of being acrid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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