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There are 19 words beginning with ACARI

ACARIacari n. Plural of acarus.
Acari prop.n. A taxonomic subclass within the class Arachnida – the ticks and mites.
ACARUS n. (Latin) a mite, a kind of small arachnid.
ACARIDacarid n. (Zoology) Any parasitic arachnid, such as mites and ticks, of the subclass Acarina.
acarid adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to acarids.
ACARID n. a member of the mite or tick family, also ACARIDAN, ACARINE, ACARUS.
ACARIANacarian n. Any mite or tick of the subclass Acari.
ACARIAN adj. pertaining to mites, small arachnids.
ACARIDSacarids n. Plural of acarid.
ACARID n. a member of the mite or tick family, also ACARIDAN, ACARINE, ACARUS.
ACARINEacarine adj. (Medicine) Of or caused by acari or mites.
acarine n. (Zoology) Synonym of acarid.
ACARINE n. a tick-like animal, also ACARID, ACARIDAN.
ACARIDANacaridan n. Synonym of acarid.
ACARIDAN adj. relating to the Acarida, mites and ticks.
ACARIDAN n. a mite or tick, also ACARID, ACARINE, ACARUS.
ACARINESacarines n. Plural of acarine.
ACARINE n. a tick-like animal, also ACARID, ACARIDAN.
ACARIASESacariases n. Plural of acariasis.
ACARIASIS n. an irritating itching insect infestation.
ACARIASISacariasis n. An infestation with, or disease caused by mites or ticks.
ACARIASIS n. an irritating itching insect infestation.
ACARICIDEacaricide n. Any substance which kills acarids (mites and ticks).
ACARICIDE n. a substance that kills mites and ticks.
ACARIDANSacaridans n. Plural of acaridan.
ACARIDAN n. a mite or tick, also ACARID, ACARINE, ACARUS.
ACARIDEANacaridean n. Synonym of acarine.
ACARIDEAN adj. relating to the Acarida, mites and ticks.
ACARIDEAN n. a mite or tick, also ACARIDIAN.
ACARIDIANacaridian adj. Synonym of acarine.
acaridian n. Synonym of acarine.
ACARIDIAN adj. relating to the Acarida, mites and ticks.
ACARICIDALacaricidal adj. Deadly to acarids.
ACARICIDAL adj. relating to an acaricide, a substance that kills mites and ticks.
ACARICIDESacaricides n. Plural of acaricide.
ACARICIDE n. a substance that kills mites and ticks.
ACARIDEANSacarideans n. Plural of acaridean.
ACARIDEAN n. a mite or tick, also ACARIDIAN.
ACARIDIANSacaridians n. Plural of acaridian.
ACARIDIAN n. a mite or tick, also ACARIDEAN.
ACARIDOMATIAACARIDOMATIUM n. a habitat for mites provided by certain plants that benefit from their presence, also ACARODOMATIUM.
ACARIDOMATIUMACARIDOMATIUM n. a habitat for mites provided by certain plants that benefit from their presence, also ACARODOMATIUM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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