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There are 5 nine-letter words beginning with AEROS

AEROSCOPEaeroscope n. A device used to collect dust particles, spores etc from the air for subsequent analysis.
aeroscope n. A type of compressed air camera for making films, constructed by Polish inventor Kazimierz Prószyński in 1909.
AEROSCOPE n. a device for observing the atmosphere.
AEROSHELLaeroshell n. An aerodynamic shell that protects a spacecraft during travel from lift-off through the atmosphere from…
AEROSHELL n. a form of parachute to enable a space vehicle to make a soft landing.
AEROSPACEaerospace n. The atmosphere of the Earth and the region of space around it.
aerospace n. The industry concerned with aircraft, missiles, satellites and spacecraft.
aerospace adj. Of, or relating to the Earth’s atmosphere and nearby space.
AEROSPIKEaerospike n. Any of several forms of rocket engine having specialized nozzles.
aerospike n. A spike, protruding from the nose cone of a missile, designed to decrease supersonic drag.
AEROSPIKE n. a rocket engine with a specially designed nozzle that allows the exhaust gases to expand and so to be used most efficiently.
AEROSTATSaerostats n. Plural of aerostat.
AEROSTAT n. any lighter-than-air craft e.g. a blimp or balloon, as opposed to an aerodyne.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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