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There are 17 twelve-letter words beginning with ANTIP

ANTIPARALLELantiparallel adj. (Mathematics) (of vectors) Parallel but in opposite directions.
antiparallel n. (Geometry) A line that forms equal angles with two other lines, but in opposite directions.
ANTIPARALLEL adj. making with a transverse line an internal angle equal to the external angle made by another line.
ANTIPARTICLEantiparticle n. (Physics) A subatomic particle corresponding to another particle with the same mass, spin and mean lifetime…
anti-particle n. Alternative form of antiparticle.
ANTIPARTICLE n. the 'pair' of an elementary particle, particle and antiparticle being mutually destructive, having the same mass and spin but having opposite values for their other properties (e.g. charge, baryon number, strangeness).
ANTIPATHETICantipathetic adj. Having or showing a strong aversion or repugnance.
antipathetic adj. Opposed in nature or character; antagonistic.
antipathetic adj. Causing a feeling of antipathy; repugnant.
ANTIPATHISTSantipathists n. Plural of antipathist.
ANTIPATHIST n. a person possessed by an antipathy.
ANTIPERIODICantiperiodic adj. (Medicine) preventing the regular recurrence of symptoms.
antiperiodic adj. (Mathematics) Exhibiting antiperiodicity.
antiperiodic n. (Medicine) A drug that prevents the regular recurrence of symptoms.
ANTIPETALOUSantipetalous adj. (Botany) Alternative form of antepetalous.
ANTIPETALOUS adj. opposite a petal.
ANTIPHONALLYantiphonally adv. In an antiphonal manner; in the manner of an antiphon.
ANTIPHONAL adv. sung or recited in alternation.
ANTIPHONICALantiphonical adj. Alternative form of antiphonic.
ANTIPHONICAL adj. (obsolete) mutually responsive, also ANTIPHONIC.
ANTIPHRASTICantiphrastic adj. (Rhetoric) of, or relating to antiphrasis.
ANTIPHRASTIC adj. involving antiphrasis, ironical, also ANTIPHRASTICAL.
ANTIPLATELETantiplatelet adj. (Immunology) Working against or destroying blood platelets.
antiplatelet n. A drug that destroys blood platelets.
ANTIPLEASUREantipleasure adj. Opposing pleasure.
ANTIPLEASURE adj. opposed to pleasure.
ANTIPOACHINGantipoaching adj. Seeking to prevent or prohibit poaching.
ANTIPOACHING adj. opposed to poaching.
ANTIPOLITICSantipolitics n. Broad rejection of political institutions and processes.
antipolitics n. Political activity based on moral or intellectual stature rather than force.
antipolitics n. An ideology that prefers centralized and arbitrary rule to democratic government.
ANTIPREDATORantipredator adj. Alternative spelling of anti-predator.
anti-predator adj. (Ecology) That provides a defence against predation or predators.
ANTIPREDATOR adj. designed to deter predators.
ANTIPRIESTLYantipriestly adj. Going against what is normal or expected for a priest.
ANTIPRIESTLY adj. opposed to priests.
ANTIPRURITICantipruritic n. (Pharmacology, dermatology) a medical agent that stops itching.
ANTIPRURITIC adj. alleviating itching.
ANTIPRURITIC n. a drug used to relieve itching.
ANTIPYRETICSantipyretics n. Plural of antipyretic.
ANTIPYRETIC n. an agent which prevents or reduces fever.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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