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There are 9 ten-letter words beginning with AUTOL

AUTOLOADEDautoloaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of autoload.
AUTOLOAD v. to load automatically.
AUTOLOADERautoloader n. (Military) A mechanical device that loads ordnance into weapons such as tanks and artillery that would…
autoloader n. (Computing) A mechanical device that automatically loads storage media (such as tapes or disks) into…
autoloader n. (Programming) A software mechanism that automatically locates and loads classes etc. as required at run time.
AUTOLOGIESautologies n. Plural of autology.
AUTOLOGY n. scientific study of oneself.
AUTOLOGOUSautologous adj. Derived from part of the same individual (i.e. from the recipient rather than a different donor).
AUTOLOGOUS adj. involving a situation in which the donor and the recipient (of blood, skin, bone, etc.) are the same person.
AUTOLYSATEautolysate n. (Chemistry) Any product of autolysis.
AUTOLYSATE n. a product of autolysis, also AUTOLYZATE.
AUTOLYSINGautolysing v. Present participle of autolyse.
AUTOLYSE v. to break down tissue by enzyme action, also AUTOLYZE.
AUTOLYSINSautolysins n. Plural of autolysin.
AUTOLYSIN n. any agent that produces autolysis.
AUTOLYZATEautolyzate n. Alternative form of autolysate.
AUTOLYZATE n. a product of autolysis, also AUTOLYSATE.
AUTOLYZINGautolyzing v. Present participle of autolyze.
AUTOLYZE v. to break down tissue by enzyme action, also AUTOLYSE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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