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There are 10 ten-letter words beginning with ASCEN

ASCENDABLEascendable adj. Capable of being ascended.
ASCENDABLE adj. capable of being ascended, also ASCENDIBLE.
ASCENDANCEascendance n. Ascendancy, superiority; the act of ascending.
ASCENDANCE n. the state of being ascendant, also ASCENDANCY, ASCENDENCE, ASCENDENCY.
ASCENDANCYascendancy n. Supremacy; dominant control; the quality of being in the ascendant.
ascendancy n. (Historical, Ireland, sometimes capitalized) A class of Protestant landowners and professionals that…
ascendancy n. (Ecology) A quantitative attribute of an ecosystem, defined as a function of the ecosystem’s trophic…
ASCENDANTSascendants n. Plural of ascendant.
ASCENDANT n. the part of the ecliptic just risen or about to rise above the horizon.
ASCENDENCEascendence n. Alternative form of ascendance.
ASCENDENCE n. the state of being ascendent, also ASCENDANCE, ASCENDANCY, ASCENDENCY.
ASCENDENCYascendency n. Alternative spelling of ascendancy.
ASCENDENCY n. the state of being ascendent, also ASCENDANCE, ASCENDANCY, ASCENDENCE.
ASCENDENTSascendents n. Plural of ascendent.
ASCENDENT n. the part of the ecliptic just risen or about to rise above the horizon, also ASCENDANT.
ASCENDEURSascendeurs n. Plural of ascendeur.
ASCENDEUR n. (French) a metal grip that is threaded on a rope as a climbing aid.
ASCENDIBLEascendible adj. Capable of being ascended; climbable.
ASCENDIBLE adj. capable of being ascended, also ASCENDABLE.
ASCENSIONSascensions n. Plural of ascension.
ASCENSION n. an ascent to heaven, esp. Christ's.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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