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There are 16 ten-letter words beginning with ANIMA

ANIMADVERTanimadvert v. (Intransitive) To criticise, to censure.
animadvert v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To consider.
animadvert v. (Intransitive, law, archaic) To turn judicial attention (to); to criticise or punish.
ANIMALCULAanimalcula n. Plural of animalculum.
ANIMALCULUM n. a microscopic animal.
ANIMALCULEanimalcule n. (Physiology, historical) A sperm cell or spermatozoon; also, the embryo that was formerly thought to…
animalcule n. (Zoology, archaic) A microscopic aquatic animal, including protozoa and rotifers.
animalcule n. (Obsolete) A small animal.
ANIMALIERSanimaliers n. Plural of animalier.
ANIMALIER n. a sculptor or painter of animal subjects.
ANIMALISEDanimalised v. Simple past tense and past participle of animalise.
ANIMALISE v. to endow with the properties of an animal; to represent in animal form, also ANIMALIZE.
ANIMALISESanimalises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of animalise.
ANIMALISE v. to endow with the properties of an animal; to represent in animal form, also ANIMALIZE.
ANIMALISMSanimalisms n. Plural of animalism.
ANIMALISM n. physicality; the state of being actuated by mere animal appetites.
ANIMALISTSanimalists n. Plural of animalist.
ANIMALIST n. a person who believes in animalism.
ANIMALIZEDanimalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of animalize.
ANIMALIZE v. to endow with the properties of an animal; to represent in animal form, also ANIMALISE.
ANIMALIZESanimalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of animalize.
ANIMALIZE v. to endow with the properties of an animal; to represent in animal form, also ANIMALISE.
ANIMALLIKEanimallike adj. Alternative spelling of animal-like.
animal-like adj. Resembling an animal.
ANIMALLIKE adj. like an animal.
ANIMATEDLYanimatedly adv. In an animated manner; with animation.
ANIMATEURSanimateurs n. Plural of animateur.
ANIMATEUR n. a person who enlivens or encourages something, especially a promoter of artistic enterprises.
ANIMATIONSanimations n. Plural of animation.
ANIMATION n. the state of being animated.
ANIMATISMSanimatisms n. Plural of animatism.
ANIMATISM n. the primitive attribution of life to natural phenomena.
ANIMATISTSanimatists n. Plural of animatist.
ANIMATIST n. one who believes in animatism, the primitive attribution of life to natural phenomena.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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