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There are 20 words beginning with ASCO

ASCONascon n. (Biology) A cavity, in the form of a bag or tube, lined with choanocytes, that forms the structure of sponges.
Ascon prop.n. A surname.
ASCON n. a type of sponge.
ASCOTascot n. Ascot tie.
Ascot prop.n. A town in Sunninghill and Ascot parish, Windsor and Maidenhead borough, Berkshire, England, and the…
ASCOT n. a type of necktie with broad ends.
ASCONSascons n. Plural of ascon.
ASCON n. a type of sponge.
ASCOTSascots n. Plural of ascot.
ASCOT n. a type of necktie with broad ends.
ASCONCEASCONCE adv. (obsolete) askance, also ASCAUNT, ASKANCE, ASKANT.
ASCOCARPascocarp n. (Mycology) The sporocarp of an ascomycete, typically bowl-shaped.
ASCOCARP n. a spore-producing organ of certain fungi.
ASCONOIDasconoid adj. (Biology, of a sponge) Having the form of a simple ascon.
ASCONOID adj. like an ascon, a type of sponge.
ASCORBICascorbic adj. Of or pertaining to ascorbic acid or its derivatives.
ASCORBIC adj. antiscorbutic, relieving scurvy, as in ascorbic acid.
ASCOCARPSascocarps n. Plural of ascocarp.
ASCOCARP n. a spore-producing organ of certain fungi.
ASCOGONIAascogonia n. Plural of ascogonium.
ASCOGONIUM n. the female reproductive structure of fungi.
ASCORBATEascorbate n. (Organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of ascorbic acid.
ASCORBATE n. a salt of ascorbic acid.
ASCOSPOREascospore n. (Biology) A sexually produced spore from the ascus of an Ascomycetes fungus.
ASCOSPORE n. one of the spores contained in the asci of lichens and fungi.
ASCOCARPICascocarpic adj. Relating to an ascocarp.
ASCOCARPIC adj. relating to an ascocarp, a spore-producing organ of certain fungi.
ASCOGONIUMascogonium n. (Mycology) The spiral female organ of an ascomycetous fungus from which asci are produced.
ASCOGONIUM n. the female reproductive structure of fungi.
ASCOMYCETEascomycete n. (Mycology) Any fungus of the phylum Ascomycota, characterized by the production of a sac, or ascus…
ASCOMYCETE n. one of the main divisions of the Fungi.
ASCORBATESascorbates n. Plural of ascorbate.
ASCORBATE n. a salt of ascorbic acid.
ASCOSPORESascospores n. Plural of ascospore.
ASCOSPORE n. one of the spores contained in the asci of lichens and fungi.
ASCOSPORICascosporic adj. Relating to, or composed of, ascospores.
ASCOSPORIC adj. of or like an ascospore, one of the spores contained in the asci of lichens and fungi.
ASCOMYCETESascomycetes n. Plural of ascomycete.
Ascomycetes prop.n. Former name of Ascomycota, division of Fungi.
ASCOMYCETE n. one of the main divisions of the Fungi.
ASCOMYCETOUSascomycetous adj. (Mycology) Of or relating to the ascomycetes.
ASCOMYCETOUS adj. relating to ascomycete.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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