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There are 14 words beginning with ARGO

ARGOLargol n. Alternative form of arghul (“musical instrument”).
argol n. (Chemistry) potassium tartrate.
ARGOL n. a hard crust (generally reddish) formed on the sides of wine-vessels, also ARGAL.
ARGOLSargols n. Plural of argol.
ARGOL n. a hard crust (generally reddish) formed on the sides of wine-vessels, also ARGAL.
ARGONargon n. The chemical element (symbol Ar) with an atomic number of 18. The third most abundant gas in the Earth’s…
argon n. (Countable) A single atom of this element.
ARGON n. an inert gaseous element.
ARGONAUTargonaut n. Any of several species of shelled octopods of the family Argonautidae (of which only the genus Argonauta…
argonaut n. An adventurer on a dangerous but rewarding quest.
Argonaut prop.n. (Greek mythology) One of the members of the Argo who sailed with Jason in search of the Golden Fleece.
ARGONAUTICargonautic adj. Relating to Jason’s ship, the Argo.
argonautic adj. (By extension) adventurous.
Argonautic adj. Of or pertaining to the Argonauts.
ARGONAUTSargonauts n. Plural of argonaut.
ARGONAUT n. (Greek) a sort of cuttlefish, aka paper nautilus.
ARGONONARGONON n. another name for any of the inert gases.
ARGONONSARGONON n. another name for any of the inert gases.
ARGONSargons n. Plural of argon.
ARGON n. an inert gaseous element.
ARGOSIESargosies n. Plural of argosy.
ARGOSY n. a large merchant ship.
ARGOSYargosy n. A merchant ship.
argosy n. A merchant flotilla, fleet.
argosy n. An abundant supply, boatload.
ARGOTargot n. A secret language or conventional slang peculiar to thieves, tramps and vagabonds.
argot n. The specialized informal vocabulary and terminology used between people with special skill in a field…
Argot n. An inhabitant or resident of Argos.
ARGOTICargotic adj. (Rare, linguistics) Of or belonging to argot.
ARGOTIC adj. relating to argot.
ARGOTSargots n. Plural of argot.
Argots n. Plural of Argot.
ARGOT n. (French) an often more or less secret vocabulary and idiom peculiar to a particular group.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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