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There are 9 words beginning with ARCU

ARCUSarcus n. (Medicine) A white band of cholesterol that forms at the edge of the cornea.
arcus n. (Meteorology) A low, horizontal cloud typically forming at the leading edge of thunderstorm outflow.
arcus n. (Entomology) An elastic band around the base of the arolium, a pad at the end of the leg of certain insects.
ARCUATEarcuate adj. Curved into the shape of a bow.
ARCUATE adj. arched like a bow, also ARCUATED.
ARCUSESARCUS n. (Latin) a bow-shaped or ring-shaped fatty deposit found in the cornea.
ARCUATEDarcuated adj. Alternative form of arcuate.
ARCUATED adj. arched like a bow, also ARCUATE.
ARCUATELYarcuately adv. In an arcuate way.
ARCUATE adv. arched like a bow, also ARCUATED.
ARCUATIONarcuation n. The act of bending or curving; the state of being bent; crookedness.
arcuation n. (Botany) A method of propagating trees by bending branches to the ground and covering the small shoots…
ARCUATION n. the state of being shaped like a bow.
ARCUATIONSarcuations n. Plural of arcuation.
ARCUATION n. the state of being shaped like a bow.
ARCUBALISTarcubalist n. A crossbow.
ARCUBALIST n. a crossbow.
ARCUBALISTSarcubalists n. Plural of arcubalist.
ARCUBALIST n. a crossbow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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