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There are 15 words beginning with APLA

APLANATaplanat n. (Optics) A lens that has been corrected for spherical aberration and coma in order to produce a rectilinear image.
APLANAT n. an aplanatic lens, i.e. one free from spherical aberration.
APLASIAaplasia n. (Pathology) A condition marked by the incomplete development, or entire absence, of an organ or tissue.
APLASIA n. defective development or absence of an organ.
APLANATSaplanats n. Plural of aplanat.
APLANAT n. an aplanatic lens, i.e. one free from spherical aberration.
APLASIASaplasias n. Plural of aplasia.
APLASIA n. defective development or absence of an organ.
APLASTICaplastic adj. (Pathology) Relating to aplasia.
aplastic adj. (Pathology) Relating to the inability of the body to create new cells, such that tissue cannot grow or regenerate.
APLASTIC adj. relating to aplasia, incomplete development.
APLANATICaplanatic adj. (Optics, of an optical system) Free from, or corrected for, spherical aberration and chromatic aberration.
APLANATIC adj. of a lens, free of spherical aberration.
APLANETICAPLANETIC adj. of algal spores, lacking a motile stage.
APLACENTALaplacental adj. (Zoology) Lacking a placenta; belonging to the Aplacentata.
APLACENTAL adj. having no placenta.
APLANATISMaplanatism n. (Optics) Freedom from spherical aberration.
APLANATISM n. freedom from spherical aberration.
APLANATISMSAPLANATISM n. freedom from spherical aberration.
APLANOSPOREaplanospore n. An immobile spore that may nevertheless potentially grow flagella.
APLANOSPORE n. a nonmotile spore.
APLANOGAMETEaplanogamete n. A non-motile gamete found in certain lower algae.
APLANOGAMETE n. a nonmotile gamete.
APLANOSPORESaplanospores n. Plural of aplanospore.
APLANOSPORE n. a nonmotile spore.
APLANATICALLYAPLANATIC adv. of a lens, free of spherical aberration.
APLANOGAMETESaplanogametes n. Plural of aplanogamete.
APLANOGAMETE n. a nonmotile gamete.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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