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There are 13 words beginning with APIC

APICALapical adj. Of or connected with the apex.
apical adj. (Botany, of a meristem) Situated at the growing tip of the plant or its roots, in comparison with intercalary…
apical adj. (Phonetics, phonology, of a sound) Produced with the tip of the tongue.
APICESapices n. Plural of apex.
APEX n. (Latin) the topmost point.
APICALSapicals n. Plural of apical.
APICAL n. a sound articulated with the tip of the tongue.
APICIANApician adj. Of or pertaining to Marcus Gavius Apicius, a notorious Roman epicure.
Apician adj. (By extension, of food) Choice, dainty; (of people) eating only what is choice, preferring the best…
APICIAN adj. luxurious in diet.
APICULIapiculi n. Plural of apiculus.
APICULUS n. (Latin) a sharp point at the end of a leaf.
APICALLYapically adv. In an apical manner or direction; towards an apex.
APICALLY adv. at the tip.
APICULUSapiculus n. (Mycology) The part of a spore which attaches to the sterigmata at the end of a basidium.
APICULUS n. (Latin) a sharp point at the end of a leaf.
APICULATEapiculate adj. (Botany) Having a short, sharply pointed tip.
APICULATE adj. of leaves, having a short point at the tip.
APICULTUREapiculture n. The keeping and maintenance of bees for commercial reasons.
APICULTURE n. beekeeping.
APICULTURALapicultural adj. (Agriculture) relating to beekeeping.
APICULTURAL adj. relating to apiculture, beekeeping.
APICULTURISTapiculturist n. Beekeeper.
APICULTURIST n. a beekeeper.
APICULTURISTSapiculturists n. Plural of apiculturist.
APICULTURIST n. a beekeeper.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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