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There are 20 words beginning with AMBE

AMBEERambeer n. (Chiefly Southern US) The juice from chewing tobacco.
AMBEER n. the spittle produced when chewing tobacco.
AMBEERSAMBEER n. the spittle produced when chewing tobacco.
AMBERamber n. (Obsolete) Ambergris, the waxy product of the sperm whale.
amber n. A hard, generally yellow to brown translucent fossil resin, used for jewellery. One variety, blue amber…
amber n. A yellow-orange colour.
AMBEREDambered v. Simple past tense and past participle of amber.
AMBERED adj. embedded in amber.
AMBERGRISambergris n. A solid, waxy, flammable substance of a dull grey or blackish color, produced in the intestines of the…
amber-gris n. (Now largely obsolete and uncommon) Alternative spelling of ambergris.
amber␣gris n. (Now largely obsolete and uncommon) Alternative spelling of ambergris.
AMBERGRISESambergrises n. Plural of ambergris.
AMBERGRIS n. an ash-grey strongly-scented substance, originating in the intestines of the spermaceti whale and used in the manufacture of perfumes.
AMBERIERAMBERY adj. like amber.
AMBERIESamberies n. Plural of ambery.
AMBERY n. a recess for church vessels, a cupboard, also ALMERY, AMBRY, AUMBRY, AWMRIE, AWMRY.
AMBERIESTAMBERY adj. like amber.
AMBERINAAmberina n. (Historical) A kind of two-toned glassware manufactured mainly in New England in the late 19th century.
AMBERINA n. (tradename) a type of clear glassware.
AMBERINASAMBERINA n. (tradename) a type of clear glassware.
AMBERITEamberite n. A kind of smokeless powder.
AMBERITE n. a kind of smokeless powder.
AMBERITESAMBERITE n. a kind of smokeless powder.
AMBERJACKamberjack n. Any of several large food and game yellowtail fishes of the genus Seriola, found in warm waters of all oceans.
AMBERJACK n. a large Atlantic gamefish having golden markings when young.
AMBERJACKSamberjacks n. Plural of amberjack.
AMBERJACK n. a large Atlantic gamefish having golden markings when young.
AMBEROIDAMBEROID n. a synthetic amber, also AMBROID.
AMBEROIDSAMBEROID n. a synthetic amber, also AMBROID.
AMBEROUSamberous adj. Amber-coloured.
AMBEROUS adj. containing amber.
AMBERSambers n. Plural of amber.
ambers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of amber.
Ambers prop.n. A diminutive of the male given name Ambrose, from Ancient Greek.
AMBERYambery adj. Like or resembling amber.
ambery n. Obsolete form of ambry.
AMBERY adj. like amber.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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